DarkJoy featured in the Galway Advertiser

DarkJoy in Fireworks Rock & Metal Magazine

Read DarkJoy's two page feature in Issue 88 of Fireworks Rock & Metal Magazine, The UK's Number One ROCK & METAL Music Magazine.

DarkJoy featured in the Galway Advertiser

DarkJoy on the Cranium Titanium Metal Radio Show

DarkJoy were guests on the Cranium Titanium Metal Radio Show with Trevor McCormack for an hour long live radio special on Flirt FM 101.3

DarkJoy featured in the Galway Advertiser

DarkJoy featured in the Galway Advertiser

Read DarkJoy's feature in The Galway Advertiser by Kernan Andrews below, where they discuss blending classic rock and metal with heartfelt storytelling, and being an entirely studio bound creation. DarkJoy were delighted to feature in their local newspaper!